Crypto Investigation Process in Australia

Cryptocurrency is a digital form of money that uses cryptography and blockchain technology to secure and verify transactions. Cryptocurrency has many benefits, such as fast, low-cost, and borderless payments, as well as increased privacy and transparency. However, cryptocurrency also poses many challenges and risks, especially for law enforcement and regulators. Cryptocurrency can be used for illicit activities, such as money laundering, fraud, tax evasion, cybercrime, terrorism financing, and sanctions evasion. Cryptocurrency can also be stolen or lost due to hacking, phishing, malware, or human error.

How can law enforcement and regulators deal with these challenges and risks? How can they trace and recover stolen or illicit cryptocurrency? How can they identify and prosecute the perpetrators of cryptocurrency crimes? These are some of the questions that this blog post will try to answer by explaining the crypto investigation process in Australia.

What is a crypto investigation?

A crypto investigation is a process of following the trail of illicit funds on the blockchain, the distributed ledger that records all cryptocurrency transactions. A crypto investigation aims to identify and locate the source and destination of the funds, as well as the actors involved in the transaction. A crypto investigation also aims to recover the funds if possible, or to seize them as evidence or assets.

A crypto investigation requires advanced techniques and tools, as well as specialised skills and knowledge. A crypto investigation involves:

Blockchain analysis

This is the process of examining the transactions on the blockchain to find patterns, anomalies, links, and clues that can reveal information about the actors and their activities. Blockchain analysis can use various methods, such as clustering, tagging, heuristics, graph analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

This is the process of tracking the movement of funds on the blockchain from one address to another, even if they are transferred through multiple wallets or exchanges. Cryptocurrency tracing can use various tools, such as explorers, APIs, databases, and software.

This is the process of retrieving or seizing the funds from the destination address or wallet. Cryptocurrency recovery can use various techniques, such as legal action, cooperation with service providers, hacking, or social engineering.

Who can conduct a crypto investigation?

A crypto investigation can be conducted by different actors, depending on the nature and scope of the case. These actors include:

Law enforcement agencies

These are government agencies that are responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining public order. Law enforcement agencies can conduct crypto investigations to support criminal cases involving cryptocurrency crimes or to seize illicit assets. Examples of law enforcement agencies in Australia that can conduct crypto investigations are the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

These are government agencies that are responsible for overseeing and regulating certain sectors or activities. Regulators can conduct crypto investigations to ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to cryptocurrency or to impose sanctions or penalties for violations. Examples of regulators in Australia that can conduct crypto investigations are the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and AUSTRAC.

These are individuals or firms that offer investigative services to private clients for a fee. Private investigators can conduct crypto investigations to assist victims of cryptocurrency scams or thefts or to provide evidence for civil cases involving cryptocurrency disputes. Examples of private investigators in Australia that offer crypto investigation services are Cybertrace, Fund Recovery, and ERMProtect.

A crypto investigation can be conducted in different ways, depending on the case and the actor. However, a general outline of a crypto investigation process is as follows:

Report the incident: The first step is to report the incident to the relevant authorities or platforms as soon as possible. This can help prevent further losses or damages, as well as initiate an official investigation. The incident can be reported to law enforcement agencies, regulators, banks, credit card companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, or other service providers that are involved in the transaction.

Gather evidence: The second step is to gather as much evidence as possible about the incident and the actors. This can include screenshots, emails, messages, receipts, invoices, transaction IDs, wallet addresses, phone numbers, names, photos, and any other information that can help identify and locate the actors or their activities. The evidence can also include a record of all communications With the actors or the authorities

Analyse evidence: The third step is to analyse the evidence using blockchain analysis and cryptocurrency tracing tools to find out the source and destination Of the funds, as well as the connections and patterns among the actors and their activities The analysis can also reveal the type and amount Of the cryptocurrency involved, the service providers Used, and the jurisdictions affected

Recover funds: The fourth step is to recover the funds from the destination address or wallet if possible, or to seize them as evidence or assets. The recovery can be done by using legal action, cooperation with service providers, hacking, or social engineering techniques. The recovery can also involve working with international law enforcement agencies or regulators to coordinate and execute the recovery operation.

Prosecute actors: The fifth step is to prosecute the actors for their crimes or violations using the evidence and the funds recovered. The prosecution can be done by law enforcement agencies or regulators, depending on the case and the jurisdiction. The prosecution can also involve working with international law enforcement agencies or regulators to extradite or sanction the actors.

A crypto investigation is not an easy task, as it faces many challenges and opportunities. Some of the challenges are:

What are the challenges and opportunities of a crypto investigation?

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Some of the opportunities are

  • Transparency and immutability: Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a public and permanent ledger that can be accessed and verified by anyone. This makes it possible to trace and track the movement of funds on the blockchain, even if they are transferred through multiple wallets or exchanges.
  • Innovation and collaboration: Cryptocurrency transactions are enabled by cutting-edge technology and innovation that can provide new tools and methods for investigation and recovery. Cryptocurrency transactions also require collaboration and cooperation among different actors, such as law enforcement agencies, regulators, service providers, victims, and investigators.


Cryptocurrency is a new and exciting phenomenon that offers many benefits and opportunities, but also poses many challenges and risks. Cryptocurrency can be used for legitimate purposes, but also for illicit activities. Cryptocurrency can be secure and transparent, but also vulnerable and complex.

A crypto investigation is a process of following the trail of illicit funds on the blockchain, with the aim of identifying, locating, recovering, and prosecuting the actors involved in the transaction. A crypto investigation requires advanced techniques and tools, as well as specialised skills and knowledge. A crypto investigation can be conducted by different actors, depending on the case and the jurisdiction.

A crypto investigation is not an easy task, as it faces many challenges and opportunities. However, a crypto investigation is also a necessary and valuable task, as it can help protect the integrity and security of cryptocurrency users and markets, as well as uphold the rule of law and justice in society.


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