Cyber Intelligence Report (CIR)

What is cyber intelligence and why is it important? Cyber intelligence is the process of collecting, analysing and disseminating information about cyber threats, actors, vulnerabilities and incidents. Cyber intelligence helps organisations to understand the cyber landscape, identify and prioritise risks, and respond effectively to cyber attacks.

Cyber intelligence is not just a technical activity. It also involves human aspects, such as understanding the motivations, intentions and capabilities of cyber adversaries, as well as the impact of cyber attacks on the organisation and its stakeholders. Cyber intelligence also requires collaboration and coordination among different functions and teams within the organisation, as well as with external partners and stakeholders.

We discuss below some of the key components and challenges of cyber intelligence, as well as some best practices and recommendations for developing and implementing a cyber intelligence program.

Components of cyber intelligence

Cyber intelligence can be divided into four main categories: strategic, operational, tactical and technical.

Cyber intelligence provides a high-level overview of the cyber threat landscape, including trends, patterns, actors and campaigns. It helps to inform decision-makers about the current and future cyber threats and their implications for the organisation’s mission, vision and objectives.

Cyber intelligence focuses on the specific cyber threats and incidents that affect the organisation’s operations, assets and systems. It helps to identify and prioritise the most relevant and urgent cyber risks and provide actionable recommendations for mitigation and response.

Cyber intelligence deals with the technical details of the cyber threats and incidents, such as indicators of compromise (IOCs), tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), malware analysis and attribution. It helps to provide technical support and guidance for the detection, prevention and remediation of cyber attacks.

Cyber intelligence involves the collection and processing of raw data from various sources, such as network traffic, logs, sensors, open source intelligence (OSINT), social media, dark web, etc. It helps to enrich and validate the information obtained from other sources and provide additional insights and context.


Cyber intelligence is not an easy task. It faces many challenges, such as:

Challenges of cyber intelligence

What are the goals and expected outcomes of cyber intelligence? Who are the target audiences and stakeholders? What are their needs and expectations?

What are the processes, methods, tools and standards for cyber intelligence? How are they aligned with the organisation’s policies, procedures and guidelines?

Who are the people involved in cyber intelligence? What are their roles, responsibilities and skills? How are they organised, coordinated and communicated?

What are the sources of data for cyber intelligence? How are they accessed, acquired and stored? How are they protected from unauthorised access or tampering?

How are the data processed, filtered, enriched, correlated and analysed? What are the techniques, models, algorithms and tools used for data analysis?

How are the results of data analysis presented, reported and shared? What are the formats, and platforms used for information dissemination?

How are the outcomes and impacts of cyber intelligence measured and assessed? What are the metrics, indicators and feedback mechanisms used for performance evaluation?

Despite these challenges, there are some best practices that can help to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of cyber intelligence, such as:

Best practices for cyber intelligence


Based on these best practices, here are some recommendations for developing and implementing a cyber intelligence program:

Recommendations for implementing a cyber intelligence program


Cyber intelligence is a vital capability for any organisation that wants to protect itself from cyber threats and enhance its cyber resilience. Cyber intelligence requires a systematic and structured approach that combines technical and human aspects, as well as collaboration and coordination among different functions and teams. By following some of the best practices and recommendations discussed above, you can develop and implement a cyber intelligence programme that can help you achieve your objectives and improve your performance.


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